Hilfe!! Wi-Fi issue (possibly stupid)


WiiChat Member
May 13, 2007
hey there, okay I just bought a wii, i have an wired internet connection on my desktop, I have a wireless enabled laptop with a wired connection to my internet. I have a bluetooth wireless adapter for either of these. Is there any way I can connect my Wii to either of these? also, does the wii have in-built Wi-Fi or what?
Ooo! The wii has a built in Wi-Fi thing, methinks. I mean, I didn't buy any extra part for it and installed Wi-Fi to my main computer and my parents' (yeah, I live with my parents. What to it? I'm young enough to!) without a problem.


(click my green mushroom if you love me)
The wii wont connect to a bluetooth network, try purchasing a wireless router or a Nintendo USB wi-fi adapter?
Lee (if you love me more than strange girl, click the green mushroom ;))
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Strangergirl said:
Ooo! The wii has a built in Wi-Fi thing, methinks. I mean, I didn't buy any extra part for it and installed Wi-Fi to my main computer and my parents' (yeah, I live with my parents. What to it? I'm young enough to!) without a problem.


(click my green mushroom if you love me)

okay, well I have a bluetooth adapter, a desktop pc, my wii, a laptop with a wireless card, and two wall sockets for ethernet. can i do it??
dj357 said:
okay, well I have a bluetooth adapter, a desktop pc, my wii, a laptop with a wireless card, and two wall sockets for ethernet. can i do it??

I know your not talking to me but yes you can, You can buy a LAN adapter for a wired connection straight from your modem or ethernet port, to your wii.
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lee.jarratt said:
I know your not talking to me but yes you can, You can buy a LAN adapter for a wired connection straight from your modem or ethernet port, to your wii.

thanks, i was actually hoping I could do it without having to buy a lan adapter or a wireless router, but oh well, thanks
dj357 said:
thanks, i was actually hoping I could do it without having to buy a lan adapter or a wireless router, but oh well, thanks

Your welcome pal :cool:


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