Hi , this is my very frist post ever .

Nuke RedL

Dec 9, 2006
Te Awamutu
As the title suggests , I am very new to all of this . I have never posted a message (ever) , and have chatted only once about 8year ago on a N64 site .
That aside , I would like to introduce myself . I am Nuke RedL , and I live in the northern reaches of the King Country , North Island , New Zealand .
The fist video game I played was Space Invaders , it was 1980 and I was 10yrs old .
I've had an Atari 400 & 800xl , NES , SNES & N64 , and currently have a couple of Xbox's .
I don't have possesion of a Wii yet , but the pre-ordered machine shall be under the X-mas tree come christmas morning (its for the kids y'know / yeah right ) . Apart from delivering a more immersive expirence , I'm hoping that this new technology will help level the playing feild against my ever nimble thumbed sons , who now kick my butt as a matter of habit ( I hate that ) . So bring on X-mas morn .
Gee look at me , a quick hello ,started to turn into a talk your ears off session .
I'd like to say hello to WiiChat/Forum members , and look foward to exchanging thoughts and ideas . Thank you ,& see you all soon .
Nuke RedL

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