Hi there everyone! Koukin here!


Jun 29, 2007
Hi, everyone! You can call me Koukin! I just joined the forum after a little convincing from your own Larry Becker. Though I think you know him as Jenova.

Now, although I'm new to this forum, don't think that I'm a total newb to Nintendo or any other video game console/company. I've kept up to date with many things happening in the gaming industry. Though not Nintendo in particular, since my Wii lost its novelty a while ago and now it's just collecting dust.
I have an Xbox 360 as well, and I'm quite fond of it.

Umm... I think that's about all the random facts I can think of right now.
Hope to have a great time here.

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Tails McCloud~ said:

Heh. Short and simple, I suppose.
Hi there.


Oh! Sorry, forgot about the double-post rule here.
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im_a_super_smash_bro said:
Welcome to wiichat :D

Btw don't double post (u will get **** from ppl and mayb get bannd)

Yeah, that's why I edited that post after realizing that.
Though I doubt that I'll get banned, that seem kind of harsh. Heh.


Mmkay, well I gots to go for the night. I'll be on tomorrow though. ^^
Later everyone!
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Byuakuya said:
Welcome to wiichat man. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

Ah, thank you very much. ^^
Hope there's a few ways I can help out around here.
Any Friend of Jenova is a Friend of Mine, make sure you read the Rules and FAQS and if you have any question PM someone you know or just Ask Larry..i'm serious that kid knows everything..xD
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wario2ooo said:
welcome to wiichat and if u need help on anything, ask me.
i like to help people

Huh. You don't look like you've been on much longer than I, though. Heh, Thanks for the offer, though. I'm sure I can take care of myself. ^_^
And thanks for the welcome.

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