Hi, I'm New.


WiiChat Member
Jan 28, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
Wii Online Code
Hey, I'm new to your forum. I was playing on Google looking for stuff about Wii, when it came across a Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament. So I had to register. I'll post my Wii name and Number soon.
Hey there, Welcome to WiiChat.

Here are the Wii codes of members on our site, the last few pages are new members with new codes so going to the last couple of pages would be your best bet. Be sure to send those you add a private message so they can add your code back. Click the friend code thread for the codes.

Friend Code Thread
heello mickey, i am the lizard king.welcome to wiichat. thank you, come again.
-looks at brendo's sig-


welcome to wiichat.....im wario

faking your age is a bad thing......dont do it!

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Thanks. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Does anyone have a link to where I can register for the SSBB Tourny?
Great! Nice to have another member on WiiChat Forums :D Welcome mickey. I'm sure you will get to know everyone here in good time.

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