Hi from wgt624_wii first post


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2007
Hi Wii players. This is my first attempt at posting to this type of forum, but after weeks of trial ane error, I felt it was only fair that I help out all those folks who have one of the most prolific Netgear products the WGT624 Wireless firewalled router.

My kids love their Wii and being an IT guy, the fustration of getting this to work for me was better than everything that this thing might be capable of once you get connected.
Hello. Welcome to the Forum! your gonna love it here :] Enjoy!

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Depending on how much security you have enabled you almost have to start with all security stripped down.
First you need to turn off the routers firewall in the router settings under Advanced tab and wireless setup. The wii will not set up with this setting still in place.
You also need to have DHCP turned on initially. Go to Advanced/ Lan ip setup. If you are using a wireless computer to connect to your router, you will have to change the settings on your computer to have the router auto assign the IP for your wireless computer until you start to add back your security.

The Wii, providing that you have a quality signal strength should setup with the firewall setttings in the router off and DHCP on.
Mac addressing and assigning a static IP are available later once the connection is made initially.
Hi man welcome, and I have the same router you have, the WGT624v3, and it actually works with my wii and ds... so if I need help, I'll ask you.
If you dont know who Hulk Hogan is
Your the only one
Just slap him and say his matchies suck
i lost all respect for hulk hogan once his reality tv show started...

p.s. perhaps his router help post should be put in a tech section or something?

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