Hi from msfan any friend codes


WiiChat Member
Dec 23, 2009
Hi everybody I am new to the wii online and would like to share my friend code to anybody who would like to Brawl or anything else. Thanks, agian I a new and would like to try out the WIFI. My friend code is 3696 0634 8185, looking forward to play online

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Bump anybody from Canada want to Brawl, looking for Brawl friends
Welcome to the forums! Make sure you read them rules, and obey them! :lol: The Admins and MODs are awesome, and so are the members, so you'll have a great time. (there's a lot of people looking for wii codes, so I am sure you'll find them) :D
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Thanks to all, Merry Christmas, thanks for the replies, real cool forums, thanks to the mods for keeping this awesome site going.
I will respect all the rules, thanks again

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