Hi all

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welcome. your site (is it yours or are you just a fan of it?) looks cool. im wondering though, how will the "My Wii" thing work?
Welcome to the forums and u got that right about being a good active forums, one of the best:cool:so r u gonna stay and chat or r u just advertising that site of urs?
Welcome man, goodjob if you put that site together yourself, if not how much did it cost you? im into building websites myself. You will love the forum man!
Hello again :cool: and something else, I already subscribed to that site, it looks great :D
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Darkprinny said:

best welcome ever:lol:

Mitch2025 said:
welcome. your site (is it yours or are you just a fan of it?) looks cool. im wondering though, how will the "My Wii" thing work?

im the co-owner... My Wii is going to take alot of work... its hopefully going to link to the Wii info by nintendo... it will then all run of that... its going to take alot of work and some hard coding but we plan on getting it perfect

dwaltin said:
Welcome man, goodjob if you put that site together yourself, if not how much did it cost you? im into building websites myself. You will love the forum man!

this is were i can be happy.... so far the site has cost us around $10.... I fully designed the website so that was alot of the cost out of the way... the other co-owner has a couple of hosting servers so we dont have to pay for hosting... the coding was done by someone for practise so that cost nothing.... and thats it really.... other parts of the site are going to cost alot more tho... for example we plan on spending ALOT to get it right....

thanks for all the walm welcomes... asnd yea im guna stick around
welcome, that site does look great, i've done a few in the past myself and really appreciate the amount of work that goes into them.

that being said, i hate to do this....we tend to frown on advertising so if you could trim down your sig a bit (ie, remove the links below the banner and maybe move the 'now open' portion onto the banner) i'm willing to let it stay for now, the final decision is of course i0n's he should be around soon to give the ok. it seems like it will be a good and informative site, so I don't think he'll object
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phimuajedi69 said:
that being said, i hate to do this....we tend to frown on advertising so if you could trim down your sig a bit (ie, remove the links below the banner and maybe move the 'now open' portion onto the banner) i'm willing to let it stay for now, the final decision is of course i0n's he should be around soon to give the ok. it seems like it will be a good and informative site, so I don't think he'll object

not a problem.... totally understand... i hope this is ok, if it is ill do more
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