

WiiChat Member
Mar 29, 2008
Hello everyone, ive come here for wii help and ssbb, the only game so far that i enjoy on wii! My codes 4124-4881-4232 if anyone wants to play, just pm me yours too! Look forward to being apart of the community.
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What other wii games do you have? Surely you dont have any good ones if SSBB is the only one you enjoy.
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I mostly play 360 and ssbb was the reason that i started playing wii so therefore i dont have any other games, but ever since i got ssbb my 360 hasn't been touched. I was thinking about getting zelda for wii but idk besides that what else to get
You should delete some of your mail. I can't message you anymore because you have too much of it.
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alright i deleted them, sorry about that. And yah i forgot about metroid, and i rented galaxy but ssbb took priority, but it was still really good

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