

WiiChat Thug
May 5, 2007
T.O, Ontario, Canada
Hey, my real name is Jamal Virani and I live in TO, Canada.
Im new here and i recently got pokemon pearl and I have a wii and many games for the DS. I've been a fan of nintendo for years and I recieve nintendo power!
Im obsessed with pkmn pearl and i hope there are some ppl who just got it like me :p

so suP?:lol:
welcome jamal! feel free to ask me if you have any questions. also, what games do you have? i hope to see you posting around :)
Welcome to the forums Jamal :)

Nice to see another Canadian around the forum.
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For Wii:
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Tiger Woods PGA 07
Wii Sports (Obvious)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 2

Budokai 2 (DBZ)
Super Smash Bros
Pokemon Colloseum
Mario Kart DD
007 Agent Under Fire
Super Mario Sunshine
1080 Avalanche
007 Nightfire
and more.. can't remember :p

Pokemon Pearl
Clubhouse Games DS
Pokemon Blue Rescue Team
Pokemon Ranger (WTF I CANT BEAT IT.. maybe im 2 lazy)
New Super Mario Bros
Super Mario DS 64
Advanced Wars Dual Strike
Sonic Dash
Mario Kart DS (I play online i'll check fc later)
Diddy Kong Racing DS (I play online i'll check fc later too)
Metroid Prime Hunters (Don't fine online very enjoyable)

Mario Kart Super Circuit
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Leaf Green (Can't seem to find)
Pokemon Ruby (Gave 2 sister)
Tony Hawk Underground
Golden Sun
Golden Sun Lost Age
i swear i have like 10 more but i can't find them or my cousins have them

Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros
007 Goldeneye

Dragonball Z Shin Budokai
Twisted Metal
Socom: Fire Team Bravo 2
Gretzky NHL 05

CS 1.6
StarCraft: Brood War
WarCraft III
Diablo I and II

GB Colour:
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Cant seem to find some but i have them
Super Mario Bros
Donkey Kong Land
some more somewhere

i also have ALOT of borrowed games i play but i didnt add them since theyre not mine
Meeoww....Hol....y...mulligans.......that's a lot of twinkies you got there my friend.

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