Hey There


Wakka Wakka Wakka
Feb 19, 2008
Wii Online Code
Hey everybody. I have spent hours searching for a good Wii forum and have landed on this one. :D

I was really hoping to meet people for some online play and trade friend codes. Other than that I can't wait to just hang out here and trade opinions and etc.

Alright then that's my greeting to you all. Hope to see you around the boards! ^_^
Sounds good to me, and Welcome to WiiChat!
Hope to see you around, enjoy the forum :)
We just got our Wii and are looking for friends to for online play. Maybe we can trade friend codes. Talk to you later.:yesnod:
Welcome to the forums, PacMan200. Enjoy your stay here and read over the 'Forum Rules and Regulations' when you get a chance. Also, where are you in NY? I used to live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
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I live in Chemung County. It's like five hours from the city.
hey there welcome to wiichat, enjoy this awethome sthtay

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