hey hey bla bla :P


The New Guy
Jan 27, 2007
funkyville, nj
Wii Online Code
hey im brand new to the forum and really damn exicted. really lookin foward to meetin everyone and blowing you guys away over the wiinterwebs as soon the developers give us the games to do so :p
love waht you guys ares doin here.
the name's modg and i say hi
Hello there dude! welcome to the forums, and I as well as you, am very ancious to play online with everyone here
Yes it is, lol, so what games will you have by the end of 07?
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im gunna have to get metroid, and smash bros and all the classics before my money runs out. but as far as like, less established games are considered you gotta rent because you dont know if youll get a masterpiece or a pile of poop from videos on ign. lol. i really hope they do a mario tennis. they have to. the ybetter lol.
Some of the games already out on the wii should of had online, pisses me of a bit, COD 3 they left out online for some reason, wich is ashame cause i really liked that game using the wii mote

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