Hotspur Warrior
Mmmmmm. Wii.
Not the most creative of thread titles, but it's polite and friendly. 
So yeah, hey. I'm 19, I live in the UK and I've been a Wii owner for about a fortnight. So far I have Wii Sports, Wii Play and Zelda: Twilight Princess, and each one thrills me to bits in a different way and for a different reason.
I also own a DS, which I love to bits. Favourite game is Lost in Blue, closely followed by Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros.
I look forward to getting to know you all, and getting stuck into threads.
So yeah, hey. I'm 19, I live in the UK and I've been a Wii owner for about a fortnight. So far I have Wii Sports, Wii Play and Zelda: Twilight Princess, and each one thrills me to bits in a different way and for a different reason.
I also own a DS, which I love to bits. Favourite game is Lost in Blue, closely followed by Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros.
I look forward to getting to know you all, and getting stuck into threads.