Hey Everyone...:)


WiiChat Member
Aug 18, 2007
I have just signed up to your great community, the forum looks great. I went shopping today and had 3 choices, Xbox360, PS3 or the Wii and seeing that I am here you can probably guess what option I went with...:)
I only just purchased the Wii today and I would say that I have had an absolute blast all afternoon with it.
Hope to see you all around the forums as I try and learn more about the Wii...:)

.....hi, im wario.....welcome to wiichat

-steals ur consoles-.....WHAHAHA!!!......-trips-
Hey welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll love it here and I'm glad you had fun with your brand new console! If you need any help, send any one of us PM
Welcome to Wiichat.
I am assuming you are enjoying wii sports?, it can be a lot of fun.

Enjoy your stay here, if you need anything feel free to give someone a shout.
Happy posting.
Where I live its not very populated and there is a Gamestop in the middle of like no where they got like 7 Wii's lol all on sale.

Oh yes, Welcome to Wii Chat enjoy your Wii!
Hey welcome to the forum Shagga. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Wii Chat. Also congrats on finding a Wii. Oh and if you have any questions regarding the Wii and or Wii Chat feel free to ask.
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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone...:)

I have the following games:
Shrek the third...Great Fun
Call of Duty 3.....Going to take some getting used to.
Wii Sports...Most fun ever, came with the console
Wii Play...Came with and extra wiimote I bought.
Rayman Raving Rabbids...Fun Fun Fun

I can see this console taking over my life....:D
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Hey there, welcome to Wiichat. Glad to see you like your purchase...my arms were so sore the next day after getting the Wii! Hope to see you posting around.

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