
WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2007
Toronto Canada
Wii Online Code
hello i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to play wii online, and what games will do this? i have wii sports and mario galexy, and my friend in montreal has the same, so is there a way we can be in the comfort of our own home and play each other??? thankyou:ciappa:
If you have a wireless router you can just use that.All you have to do is go under wii settings and find Internet settings and do connesct.If you dont have a wireless router you can use the WI-Fi adapter that you can buy at most electronic stores just follow the same instrutions.But with wii sports and mario galaxy is not wi-fi compatable.
When you look for a game find this logo this means it is wifi.If you need more help look through your manual or come on here and we will be happy to help:yesnod:
allana143 said:
hello i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to play wii online, and what games will do this? i have wii sports and mario galexy, and my friend in montreal has the same, so is there a way we can be in the comfort of our own home and play each other??? thankyou:ciappa:

To put your wii online, you'll need to get a wireless router, a nintendo wifi usb connector or a Wii LAN adapter.

Wiisports and Super Mario Galaxy do not have online mutiplayer features. Here are some games that do: Mario Strikers Charged, Medal of Honor Heros 2, Pokémon Battle Revolution(if you're in to pokémon) Ghost squad. If you want the full list, click on this link

Welcome to Wiichat!
You need to do something first, have an internet connection for your Wii.
Check the online section of the forum if you need help with that.

Secondly you need games that can utilize the online.
Certain games need friend codes, which means you need to find your code on your game and give it to a friend, then your friend finds their game code and gives it to you sorta thing. Games like Mario Strikers Charged and Battalion Wars 2 use those.

Or you can play games that have no friend codes, and only require you to connect to their server. Mainly EA games do this, like Madden 08, NBA 08 and Medal Of Honor Heroes 2. Doing this one is much easier than first, decide which one interests you.

Mario Galaxy does not have an online option nor Wii sports, but the games I listed do have online.
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THANKS!!And where do i find these "ea" games and friends code.. or my code????? like do i go to the wiishop??
CantGetAWii said:
You need to do something first, have an internet connection for your Wii.
Check the online section of the forum if you need help with that.

Secondly you need games that can utilize the online.
Certain games need friend codes, which means you need to find your code on your game and give it to a friend, then your friend finds their game code and gives it to you sorta thing. Games like Mario Strikers Charged and Battalion Wars 2 use those.

Or you can play games that have no friend codes, and only require you to connect to their server. Mainly EA games do this, like Madden 08, NBA 08 and Medal Of Honor Heroes 2. Doing this one is much easier than first, decide which one interests you.

Mario Galaxy does not have an online option nor Wii sports, but the games I listed do have online.
If you connect online and check your 'Friend Roster' your code should be around there somewhere
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i found my wii consol number!!!! is that it????????
Wii_Smurf said:
If you connect online and check your 'Friend Roster' your code should be around there somewhere
No if your friend adds that code and you add your friends you can send messages.
Each Online game has a different Code which is found within the In game options :)

Btw, Wii Sports and Mario Galaxy, They aren't online. So to answer your first question you can't play online no. You need to look for the Nintendo Wifi symbol to know it's online.

Nintendo Wifi symbol

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To get your freind code go in to your adress book.I beleave you can get there through the little envelope.EA is a devolper they make mainly sports games.

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