Help with Wii-Motes/Miis

Scuba Kid

WiiChat Member
Nov 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
So as I understand it, Your "Mii" character will be stored on your wii-mote (correct me if I'm wrong).
So, my question is, if you have multiple wii-motes (but only one console), can you have multiple Miis?

I ask because the Wii is a birthday present for me, but I want my little sister to enjoy it just as much. So I am buying her a wii-mote to play as well. Just making sure that she will be able to have her own little character.
your such a nice big brother.....anyways you can store many many miis on your wii. and you can choose to assign a mii to your wiimote.

That answer your question?:L
im_a_super_smash_bro said:
your such a nice big brother.....anyways you can store many many miis on your wii. and you can choose to assign a mii to your wiimote.

That answer your question?:L
Yeah I beleive you can store up to 20 Miis per wiimote.
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Nice, thanks guys!

oh, and im_a_super_smash_bro.....Im a big sister. :arf:
Yeah, i thought it was 8 per Wiimote. The Wii system itself though can make enough Miis to satisfy anybody

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