Help - Wii internet connection


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2007
I have a DSL G604T wireless router and the wii finds it but it will not connect to the internet and gives me an error 51332. I have checked all the settings ie. SSID and WEP and everythings seems to match the router settings. So should I do next. By the way I am not an IT expert, so any solutions please can you explain in easy terms. Help please!!!
cant you go to nintendos site and type in your error code? they will you when you enter the error code buddy
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Yes I have put the error code in and it gives me all the settings I have already entered. I wondered if it had something to do with my internet provider (orange) but I have been into there as well, but cannot find anything. Not sure where to go next.
Its not your internet provider, its just that router. Turn off the security, you don't want those on and change the channel to 11.
Where do you find the channel on the router my brother and i will be setting ours up on xmas day.i have a netgear router.
shazza said:
Where do you find the channel on the router my brother and i will be setting ours up on xmas day.i have a netgear router.
Just go the routers address in any web browser and then it will ask you for a username and password and they're usually admin and password is the password. Then it will take you the the settings, and on the left, under set up, go to wireless settings and there are the options for the name of the wireless connection, channel, security options, and other crap i dont care about. Just click the little channel box and go down to eleven and make sure to disable the security.

If you don't know the routers address, look at your manual or google it.

Or, if thats still to complicated for you (it shouldn't) just give me the model of the router and I'll tell you the stuff.
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