HELP!!!!!which game to get???

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WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2007
Wii Online Code
i have zelda, mario galaxy,mario strikers, red steel
im gonna get another one in a few days
which one should i get?????
How old are ya? Recommendation would depend on that somewhat.

I'd suggest one of the following

Metroid Prime 3
Endless Ocean
Zack & Wiki
Super Paper Mario
Resident Evil 4
Excite Truck
SSX Blur
Then without a doubt either Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition or Metroid Prime 3 if you are into the shooting genre. Both have great graphics and gameplay. The scores (IGN) for the 2 games are:

RE4 - 9.0 [Outstanding]
MP3: C - 9.5 [Outstanding]
battalion wars 2 is a pretty sick game, and u can also go online with it!
Haven't played Battallion Wars, but I hear thats ok. Not hugely interested.

If you want an online shooter people seem to like Medal of Honor Heroes 2.

You could also consider Link's Crossbow Training, $20 for wii zapper plus game.
In future please use the 'Which game should I buy or rent thread'

Revert all discussion there. Link
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