Help! Tiger Woods '07 / '08 Controller Set-up

The Boy F

WiiChat Member
Sep 2, 2007
I maybe being a bit think here but i can't seem to activate a second (or more) wii controller when playing either TW '07 or the new '08.

How is this done as it is frustrating when I have to hand the same controller round after each shot!?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
Don't mean to be basic, but have you done the Standard Mode Synchronization with your remotes as described on page 20 of the setup manual? All my remotes work with my Tiger 07. As I add a player, I click the "A" button and the other remotes come to life.

Re "false" swings which you WILL get with Tiger 07, you have to slowly bring the controller back without stopping and the complete the swing without waiting too long or the game will swing for you. I can guarantee you if you have a driver or an iron and you get one of these false swings, the ball will only go a short distance and you will lose a stroke.
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Thanks for this...i should have read my wii manual re: the synch of the controllers to the system.

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