help stuck on chapter 2-4


WiiChat Member
Jan 22, 2008
hello looking for help in chapter 2-4 i have been at it for about 1-1/2 hours, i keep going round & round in circles through the maze of doors & rooms, even opened up the cracked walls, only seen 2 cracked walls to open though, anyone help me on how to get out of merlee's basement, i keep trying to defeat the spider, but i do no damage, how do i end the chapter?????
ok, let me see what i can do....
you have to find the bathroom (i know it's weird but it's true).

1) if you can find it...
in the maze of halls there is a room with 2 lanterns in it
flip and hit the flip blocks (yellow blocks that can be only seen/used in one dimension or the other)
go into the upper left door of that room

it will lead you to stairs to a door, then that door with lead you to the mens and ladies restrooms.
go into the ladies restroom (u might have to use peach, never tried taking mario into the ladies restroom)
stall #3 from left.

2) from where she turns into a spider....
go around her to the door to the right of her.
take the hall to the right, use slim and go down. enter door

upper left door (this room has coin blocks in it)
upper right crack and flip, go down hall (room with boo and fire from torch)
upper left door (flip blocks room)

upper right door (this room has coin blocks in it)
upper right door (this room has the cracked wall with shroom shake in it)
upper left door (flip blocks room)

good luck.. hope it helps. (i probably confused u...)
You can got in the bathroom as mario but i dont know why? game glich i bet
edit: I am gessing nintendo forgot about it lol
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yeah it seems confusing, but i will follow your instructions & report back, i have seen the room with the door & it looks like there are stairs going to it, but even when i flip the stairs are not there
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i followed instructions & it worked, it wasnt that confusing, but thanks for your help, i could possibly be back to ask for some more help!!
go to
search for a game
next to the game title, there is a link called "FAQs"
click on the "FAQ/Walkthrough" link
with most internet browsers you can do a search on that page. windows internet explorer has this. Ctrl+F (push and hold Ctrl key, and push the "f" key, release). type in the chapter you're stuck on ( "2-4" , for example). hit the "next" button on the search window if there is more than one place that your searched word is.

or just ask, if you want to wait for a reply. i'm usually in a hurry so i go on that site.

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