Help Plz


Nov 28, 2006
uh... the boonies
Wii Online Code
well i finally got to play a wii and im in love and i want one so bad my mom saidthat i cant get one for xmas if she cant get one but like she cant lol so im probly not gonna get one :( im in ohio if you know of any liek shurefire way i can get one please tell me cause my mom said she wont drive to a store for a "chance" and she wont buy a bundle or ebay so idk guess i mscrewed :( but please help my mom said shed drive to ebgames and walmart
Several other people live in Ohio like Me and Mitch2005 from Cincinnati but I ahavent got the Wii yet, so I cant help you :(
Just wait a bit. Wait a few weeks and call EB games and Walmart every day or so. I don't have a Wii either, I'm planning on getting it at EB games since I have giftcards. You'll be sure to get one after christmas though.

Seriously, it's not that hard to wait a few weeks.
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yeh but if they cant get me one before xmas then there getting me something else aka im not getting one...
If you can't get one at Costco, just ask your parents to hold it off and not to get you anything. Instead, tell them to get you a Wii as a late christmas present.
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illtry those lol but my mom is weird lol shes like well i dont want u not to get anything xmas morning lol i tried asking her to wait or even move xmas lol
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ilcid said:
I find the best way to get a Wii is to learn how to avoid run-on-sentences and not make people's eyes bleed.
who ives a **** shut up and dont post if your not gonna help.
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hmm not good no costco's by me :\ im in a jam man i really hope i get one please if u work at a sotre in like dayton or somthing please help me out i want one soo bad.
There are a lot of other people/kids out there(A Lot) that doesn't have a Wii yet, including me. I was supposed to get 1 on the day it came out, nope. Last Week's Sunday, Nope. Today, Nope. I am still waiting, and I can not wait to get 1, trust me. I know how you feel. My parents get annoyed by me, talking about the Wii. I am probably keep doing this for weeks, and eventually getting 1 on X-Mas.

I hate it when good things come out next to Christmas. You wait for it to come out for a long time. When it comes out, it makes you want to get it more. And sometimes your parents say, I will get it for you on Christmas.

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