Help !! Please


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2007
Beverly Hills CA
Ok well...........
My Wii isnt working. I dont know why. Ok so its starting up to the main menu but the sensor bar isnt reasponding or the "A" button isnt working when its says health and advisory at the start of the Wii...

I really need help and I no that my controllers are working ..
So do you no what the problem is...... Any info. is helpful !!!!

-- Thanks :yikes:
:scared: :wtf: check the batteries & wires? lol

if all else fails now that they hav those comfy Wii jackets u could chunk ur wiimote AT the sensor bar...
read ur manual for directions, i forget off hand
To resync:

-Open the SD card cover on the front of your Wii.
-Open the batterie cover on your Wiimote.
-Press the red button inside the SD card cover and then press the red button inside the battery case.

It should probably work.
the same way u sync it the first time lol, open up your battery case to ur wiimote, press the little sync button, if the remote does not light up, then ur batteries are dead or ur wiimote is busted. try changing the batteries, press the sync button again, if it lights up, open the lil slot infront of ur wii console where u put ur SD memory card in, press the red button in there and press the sync button on ur wiimote and there u go, if that doesnt work then ur outta luck buddy.
are u doin it right? if all the lights on ur wiimote are flashing then ur not resyncing right
senser bar

did you try and replug the sensor bar or the plugs or maybe the sensor bar cant get a signal from the remote if not try and buy another sensor bar:yikes:


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