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WiiChat Member
Nov 9, 2006
Wii Online Code
can someone please help im a bit confussed do u have to have a pc to connect the wii online my pc is acting up so i will maybe get a new 1 maybe christmas time i have broadband and am getting a wirless router so could i connect them to the wii without my pc
no you have to have a wifi connection and internet in your house.

so yea if you have internet and a wireless router it will work

Hmm, I just done a bit of research on things... and I think it should be possible to connect the Nintendo Wii to the Internet without a computer, I think you would just need a WiFi Router and a Modem.

Hmm, but hopefully your modem doesn't need any software drivers, or power from your computers USB port. But maybe if you have a modem that requires power from your computers USB port, you could plug it into one of the Nintendo Wii's USB ports instead?

I advise reading How WiFi Works. Ohh, and I think Nintendo may provide instructions for such things?

Almost all modern wireless routers draw their power from their own PSU so that shouldn't be a problem. One thing that could be a showstopper is that these days they all require set up via a web page - on my Belkin device at home I open a browser and type the routers IP address to manage it and set up security settings, details of my ISP etc. Wonder if the Opera browser will allow you to do this? You don't want an unsecured wireless network or you'll get every bugger jumping on to it..................:yikes:
Wait, so will the Wii be able to access WEP Networks? (64-bit / 128-bit)

I've got 128-bit WEP on my wireless network at home...
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thnxs 4 the help everyone i have still a bit of a wait left until i can try it out wii not out until 8th december here in england so hopefully it all works out
thnxs again
Inspire said:
Wait, so will the Wii be able to access WEP Networks? (64-bit / 128-bit)

I've got 128-bit WEP on my wireless network at home...

The DS does, so I'd imagine the Wii will.

And with any home commercial router you need to configure it, wether it be terminal or graphically via a browser. So you will still need a computer.

And why would you buy broadband internet if you didn't have a computer ;/. Then again why are you here if you don't have a computer

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