Help on buying Wii Games


WiiChat Member
Apr 30, 2007
Hi Friends,

I just purchased my Wii based on how much I liked the idea and have started playing the Wii sports and raelly love it.

I have really not been too much in to games and need your help based on my interests to suggest some good games I can go after.

I am looking for small games that will be fun when I have friends come over and can have some competation. On you tube I saw a Wii demo where there is a running race, weight lifting, balancing a rod, and some pretty small fun games. I am not sure if which games these are part off. I would like your suggestions for buying some games that would satisify the above.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help!
Welcome to wiichat and enjoy your stay.
The game you are referring to is WarioWare I believe.
Also you may want to check out Wii Play with a free wiimote if you are planning to play with friends.
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Thanks for the quick reply. Any other suggestions you have on selecting games for the above nature?

jollyguy23 said:
Thanks for the quick reply. Any other suggestions you have on selecting games for the above nature?

Wii Sports which comes with the console is also a pretty good multiplayer. But the best Wii game so far in my opinion is Zelda: Twilight Princess. Tell your friends to go home and enjoy this game on your own because you will love it. :lol:

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