help me plz i am realy confused


WiiChat Member
Feb 22, 2008
hi, i would like to b able to play games online using my WII but i dnt no how cn any 1 plz help

i went on to mario strickers charged football and there was a link to wifi conection on the left hand side, but i thought you cud play wii sports online but i dont see a link any where does any 1 no how to reslove this problem if so plz tel me

i wud b very grateful

u can't play wii sports online.

only games that say wifi on the box or manual are able to play online.

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k thanks
its coz on the wii advert its got ian wright playin the tennis against sum1 over the net. k cheers mate

wat games can u play ?
can u give a list of them plz.
any game that has a blue wi-fi circle up at the top left corner
smash bros brawl and
endless ocean are all i can think of right now
You need to either connect your wii wireless to a router or buy a LAN cable and attach wii to computer manually.

The current games that have online;


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