Help me decide please

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Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
k, im already gettin zelda, but i need to decide between Marvel Ultimate alliance or Dragonballz tenkachi 2.

im picking up Dragonballz tenkachi 2 soon after launch, at first i never thought it would be my type of game, but after playing number one at a friends house i changed my mind, the multi player is really quite fun, and the combat system is surprising deep, when at first glance you wouldnt expect that from this type of game.

so yeah.. id suggest getting Dragonballz tenkachi 2 !!
Wait for the reviews to come out and make your decision based on the average scores that the games you are choosing from get. Nobody here has played these games so how can they help you make a logical decision?
the_peripheral said:
Wait for the reviews to come out and make your decision based on the average scores that the games you are choosing from get. Nobody here has played these games so how can they help you make a logical decision?

peoples rubbish is someone elses treasure. Meaning a person reviewing a game could think the game is crap, but another person might think its the best game ever! Just some technological tersm for you there.
the reviews sound pretty good for marvel....i mgiht get it tomorrow. if I get it and play, i'll let u know what I think too...but yeah, depends on what ur lookin for. I happen to like games that are multiplayer cuz friends like to come over and play...dont really care too much for the online part as much, cuz if I want online multiplayer, i get computer games. LOl

but yeah, that's just me. :)
lloyd_yayo said:
k, im already gettin zelda, but i need to decide between Marvel Ultimate alliance or Dragonballz tenkachi 2.

definately get marvel alliance cause got great ratings from gamestop and its just great fun!!!! u get to kick some butt and pick who u want to fight with so definately marvel alliance!!! that would be my choice. also have dragon ball z tankachi 2 and not very thrilled!!!:cornut:
i agree marvel is a great game and im not very thrilled with dragonball z cause its hard to use the remote with. the game i would also get is redsteel. its amazing and it has cute little bunnys in it tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
zelda is the absolute best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except for metroid,redsteel,marvel,callofduty3,and excite truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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