Haha lucky for you I just did that part...I'll give you a walkthrough of what you have to do once you arrive on the Island
1) When you arrive you should head to the Chief Goron
2) He will tell you to tlak to everyone on the Island
3) After you have done that a message will pop up and tell you to go back to the Chief
4) Now you have to answer 6 questions to become friends with the gorons
5) Next you have to follow the Chief's kid around untill he leads you to the temple
5-1) You might have gotten stuck here... Once you arrive at a maze you will need your bombs to get through...If you see cracks...USE YOUR BOMBS...you will come to a part where there are no mroe cracks and you can't go on. There is a secret crack...it's near the top of the maze where there is only one block between you and the other side and there should be a symblol on the other side showing you where to put the bomb.
6) Now you should be at the temple and able to go in...If you have anymore questions feel free to ask
Well I actually already figured that part out on my own now but I'm stuck trying to get the next sea chart so I can get the third pure metal... I think I need to know a new symbol for the door
Actually once you get as far as you can go to where you got the third sea chart...there is one of those stone idols that tell you information...it tells you to go back out side and put the shapes back in the pedastoles in a certain order...then go back in the room and watch the fireworks lol