Help!!!! Im About To Crack


WiiChat Member
Dec 29, 2007
Wii Online Code
quick question before i throw my wii out the window.....

why is it when the batterys in my remote that came along with the wii (in the box) run out and i need to charge them and i go to use the other remote (that i got with wii play) and it wont let me, the buttons on the bottom just keep flashing,
why is that, please some one help me:mad5:
tinklestar said:
quick question before i throw my wii out the window.....

why is it when the battery in my remote that came along with the wii run out and i need to chrage them and i go to use the other remote and it wont let me, the buttons on the bottom just keep flashing,
why is that, please some one helo me:mad5:
It's because it isn't synced to your console.

Take the battery cover off and press the little red button at the same time as you press the red button on the front of the Wii under the little flap.

This is all in the Wii manual
Assuming all remotes are sync'd...

Try to hit the home key on the 2nd Remote, choose the Remote menu that turns blue when you hover over it, click on reconnect, then follow screen instructions.

To backout click on close remote menu and the close button on the upper right corner.

Hope this helps... it doesn't work well on Wii Sport, but does on MonkeyBall.
tinklestar said:
why is it when the batterys in my remote that came along with the wii (in the box) run out and i need to charge them
The Wii doesn't come with rechargables?
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thank you thank you thank you, mhaaw
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261311 said:
The Wii doesn't come with rechargables?
'i bought the recharables and the charging dock in circuit city for $24.99
Think they meant the remote that comes with the Wii, it's automatically sync'd to be the main control.

If mine run out i usually just grab the batteries out of my second remote and swap them over, it seems easier than resynchronising.
What was the problem and the fix? Did you not have it synced or something else?

Sidenote: See my thread on rechargeable batteries. Something you might want to consider.
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MichaelSF said:
What was the problem and the fix? Did you not have it synced or something else?QUOTE]

yeah i didnt have the second controller synced, i have this awesomly bad habit of not reading manuals and figuring things out myself, which i usually cant do so i ask for help!!!

thanks everyone

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