hello there my name is cassie!

hello new here feel free to add me :yesnod: :lovewii:

Click here to level up my license!

dont know bout u guys but these license things r awesome! Rosalina ftw :3!

yesh! another rosalina fan! :lol: this reminds me of september.. WHY DID ASHLEE CHANGE HER NAME!!!!!! D= anyway, welcome to wiichat, and rosalina owns, don't care what they say :lol:
hello new here feel free to add me :yesnod: :lovewii:

Click here to level up my license!

dont know bout u guys but these license things r awesome! Rosalina ftw :3!

Welcome to wiichat, rosa is pretty cool. I use her sometimes on mariokart for heavy cars..have a nice new years, enjoy yourself.:).

DG, going to people and telling them to enjoy themselves is not the way to go. :nono: :lol: jus' kiddin' xD I'm going to make a mkw card too i guess, (since i has three stars!!) :p
LoL nice. rosalina owns! :p i hope you have a fun time (i would give you my friend code but my router firewall wont lemme connect to t3h w3b3rn3tz on my LAN adapter...so..) If you have MSN here is mine: spencerpwned@rocketmail.com

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