Hello Im New To Wiichat!

Lol Hello, do you have mwr for the wii? Lol if so, and your looking for a clan to join feel free to join ours! I am part of VS! That stands for valor squad, lol we are a really fun clan who is easy to get along with. Just stop by our site and register and post a thread asking for a try out, or you may stop by our chat, if your not registered no password is needed, just a username. Lol that is IF you have mwr :)
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Umm sorry i dont have um the game you said i have: New super mario bros,Spore hero, Dead Rising chop till'you drop,and some others thare all offline D:
Hello I Love The Wii Thats Is Why i Joined Lol I Am New Here!

Hello EveryOne Thats On Wii-Chat!:papermario:

welcome enjoy your stay, brew up some coffee and relax, first my name is Tyler, i go by Castlezelda (well guess it obvious) I update people on Virtual Console (VC), Wiiware, and/or Wii news" Every Monday I update people about what hits in the NA with VC and wiiware games (if i wake up on time mostly i do)

Its a pleasure to meet u, once again enjoy your stay here an God Bless :bacon:

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