Hello, I'm new! =D


Yay! New router!
Mar 20, 2008
Wii Online Code
I'm Dylan, better known as Yoyoenix91, Enix91, or YEN91. I joined Wiichat from my Wii with my new used wireless roter. Yay! Now... WELCOME ME!

P,S.- Message me for more details, I want friends! :smilewinkgrin:
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Dumbass_Luigi said:
Welcome to Wiichat!

Beware of spazzes.

Spazzes? o_o;;

May I befriend you in particular? I'll send you a PM tonight or tommorow. :-3
Well, damn, I'm new here too!!! Um, I play drums in a hard rock band, do graphic design and drink a lot with my immature friends. I just bought my Wii on Sunday and decided it would be great to have some people to talk to in my off time....so....here I am. Woo Game On!!:yikes:
Well welcome to Wii Chat...the best forum ever!

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