Hello everyone


Wii R N00bs
Mar 18, 2008
Wii Online Code
hi everyone, im new to this forum. i bought a wii this year and want to chat and learn more stuff about the wii and other games. that's why i have joined this forum. i hope to have an exciting time with everyone on this forum.
welcome to wiichat, where we talk about wii stuff, wii games, and pretty much everything to the wii. enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the forums dude.

Check out the stickied threads if your stuck with anything, most questions have already been covered so just click around and you'll probably find the answer. =]

pro gamer don't forget The Lounge for all your off-topic awesomeness.;)
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  • #6
thanks everyone
i currently have wii sports, super mario galaxy, and brawl!
yay go SSBB! ^^
eddiemon said:
thanks everyone
i currently have wii sports, super mario galaxy, and brawl!
yay go SSBB! ^^
you said. you should see the Brawl area.

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