hello! ^_^

Apr 4, 2007
hello, my name is grim_reaper123! i am a nintendo fan, im also a square enix fan (i hope i spelled that right!), my favorite caricktures of nintendo are:link,mario,peach,zelda,wario,luigi,samus,epona,minda,and...i cant think of anymore!!! sorry for the short file of me, and i hope we can all be friends!:D
hiya hope you have fun here im newish myself (zelda fan u must b alright then!!!!)

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emi_smile said:
hiya hope you have fun here im newish myself (zelda fan u must b alright then!!!!)

i heard there was a guy named keyblader123, what happend here?!? why was he so mean?:(
i have no idea soz as i said im only new myself maybe u shud ask the older members
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like who?

emi_smile said:
i have no idea soz as i said im only new myself maybe u shud ask the older members
oh and i need to ask you something, how do make a thread? sorry im a noob at this(der...).:idea:
just ask around in various forums n sum1 wil kno bout that guy

as for makin a thread if you go 2 site navigation on the right n click the sub thingy that you want eg gaming n on the page it takes you too there is a new thread button that looks like the post a reply button (bt say new thread obviously lol) just click that n away you go
Welcome to the forum Grim. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)

As for Keyblade all he did was spam and flame other members for basically no reason at all so one of the forum moderators banned him I believe. However its not that big of a deal.

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