Happy bday Wishale


Jul 13, 2006
Milford Ohio
Wii Online Code
Wishale said:
Haha, three days in a row! :p
I've got mine tomorrow.. Lets see how many people make threads :p

Happy brithday mate... I haven't seen ya around.. But i know what it feels like to have your birthday ;)
you posted that yesterday (yesterday was only 20 min ago but w/e lol) so now today is your bday! not sure if thats right or not because your bday isnt in your profile but you say it is so w/e. once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

how old are you now?
Mitch2025 said:
you posted that yesterday (yesterday was only 20 min ago but w/e lol) so now today is your bday! not sure if thats right or not because your bday isnt in your profile but you say it is so w/e. once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

how old are you now?
its still the 2nd of Oct here. but whatever. happy birthday Wishale in 2 hours and 37 minutes:D
Mr_Stoukaph said:
whoa whoa whoa! it was 37 when i posted, no need to correct me...-_-'
I wasn't I was just updating it /yep

edit: that link in your sig is that meant for people to access it?

Gotta love how chatted up this thread is already with only 2 people..

And yea! 14 today! :) Anyone think i was older ;)

Don't ask about gifts yet.. Cuz i still have to go to school and come home and then have everyone over... But i think my girlfriend might have a specail little gift for me ;)

Thanks Guys! Wiired and I both were going to make threads for each other.. But the forum has taken our job! :p You guys remember :)