handhelds on virtual console


Hero of Time
Jul 1, 2006
What are the chances that the handhelds will be on the virtual console, I see pretty good -
1. Nintendo said ALL their games in the past 20 years,they have made games for their portables
2. For the ds emulation, there is already an SD slot on the Wii so you can actually plug the ds games into the Wii and not have to download them
3. They have done portable emulation on console already so why not again, less processing power to emulate, should be easier?
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they didnt say all the games, they just said all the games from certain consoles. i think they will leave the handheld backwards stuff for the DS and GBA
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Have you tried to get the old gameboy monochrome games at your local game shop, didn't think so, so the gba and ds are kinda useless without the cart, I know they are backwards compatable but seriously who keeps the old games laying around. Its good to have on download/storage so you have it there to reminiscene back on when you feel the urge.
i didnt say you couldnt get the games. you probably just wont be able to download them off the wii. ive only heard that consoles will be on the VC.

ps i still have my old games for my GB:p
I dont have a really good opinion... in fact Im not downloading any VC games...
I wish they would. I've got loads of old GB and GBC which I can play on my GBA SP but its hard to find old GB and GBC games in he shops, so being able to download Gb and GBC games would be nice.
Handhelds on a console? I'd be thinking more along the lines of something like games from the Neo Geo Pocket. I thought that was a great little handheld that just never got the chance to take off. Card Fighters Clash and it's hard to find sequel Card Fighters Clash 2 would be great additions to the virtual console program in my humble opinion.
Ridge Racer said:
Handhelds on a console? I'd be thinking more along the lines of something like games from the Neo Geo Pocket. I thought that was a great little handheld that just never got the chance to take off. Card Fighters Clash and it's hard to find sequel Card Fighters Clash 2 would be great additions to the virtual console program in my humble opinion.

WHOA someone else that has played on a neo geo poket and card fighters
and card fighters 2 was japan only
the ngp failed when Pokemon came out
anythings possible but really who cares I'll be to busy playing wii games to be honest
Darkprinny said:
WHOA someone else that has played on a neo geo poket and card fighters
and card fighters 2 was japan only
the ngp failed when Pokemon came out

I love my Neo Geo Pocket, or should I say Neo Geo Pockets. Got two of them, one for each version of the first card fighters clash game.:D
<<<only has the snk version but about 40 ngpc games and 2 ngpcs
Well there was
Super game boy> snes played game boy games some like street fighter you could have two on one cart
Forgot what its called >N64 Played gameboy games with out sound but with this anoying tune played insted over and over (not made by nintendo)
and the one mentioned above
Darkprinny said:
Well there was
Super game boy> snes played game boy games some like street fighter you could have two on one cart
Forgot what its called >N64 Played gameboy games with out sound but with this anoying tune played insted over and over (not made by nintendo)
and the one mentioned above
so, it looks quite possible that GB-DS games will be on the VC maybe.:)

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