Guitar Hero 3 Problem


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
Well I got the game Christmas day and have got very involved, It's a great game but one problem; online.

Whenever I try to find an online match it hasn't been able to find, it's been like this since I got the game. I doubt no one is online and others have experienced this issue too. When I create a game no one comes and when I try to find there isn't one.

My guess is a server issue but I'm unsure. Anyone else encountered this?
same here and when i finally got a few games going they all quit on me because i was beating them, even though im a noob at guitar hero.
I get online quite often, I used to have a problem though
Is your internet channel etc working still?
Make sure your Wii Connect 24 is switched on too :)
SAME HERE! My first attempt worked, I got schooled, and ever since it has been unable to find a game against anyone.
WTF?!? COME ON NINTENDO, get your crap together and let people play together online, it's NOT THAT HARD!
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Nothing is working for me....

I'll keep trying!

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