GTA:Chinatown Wars Dsi Bundle


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2009
Hello, I one of these Wii owners that want to purchase the new DSi, but with a great hardcore game for the hadled console, I know that in Japan Nintendo plans to launch a bundle with "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days" from Square-Enix.

I hope, if Nintendo launch a GTA:Chinatown Wars DSi bundle this will be great and will have enormous sucess!!

Come-on Nintendo launch this bundle soon and I will purchase the DSi immediatelly!!
The DS section is here

At least your not asking for a Wii version of it
Why bother with a bundle when you can get them both separately for the same price anyway?
Bundles usually throw in something exciting like a lanyard or a 2 page concept art book!
Or some shite like a unneeded set of accessorys and another game there trying to get rid of and know you wont try to exchange in any shop so that it sits there mocking you like Puppy luv
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I know the DS forums, but I put this here becose there's a huge base of Wii Owners that want to purchase a DSi, and the bundle is a great thing to make the game sell well and be very popular.
If Chinatown Wars sell very well, the Wii owners expect finally a GTA game for Wii coming soon!!
but I put this here becose there's a huge base of Wii Owners that want to purchase a DSi

dude, you keep talking as if you know what every wii owner wants. most people that want a DS have bought one, or would have purchased one regardless of the 'new' DSi.
I know the DS forums, but I put this here becose there's a huge base of Wii Owners that want to purchase a DSi, and the bundle is a great thing to make the game sell well and be very popular.
If Chinatown Wars sell very well, the Wii owners expect finally a GTA game for Wii coming soon!!
Wii owners that like the DS will use the DS forums and people that want the game will have ordered it already

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