Got some questions for Animal Crossing City Folk


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
ive played all the others and love em. im wondering two things currently.

1. can two play at the same time
i think my girlfriend would enjoy this game. im wondering can we play together, and also if together online.

2. is there a large amount of users online?
i know there was some downtalk on AC:CF, and online is what keeps the game from getting dull after the 1st year. so is there enough people online that play?

thanks to anyone who will answer this for me
you can play online with other people. But just like the other animal crossing games it is one player at a time as usual. No split screen or anything here.

And yes the USERBase is HUGE on animal crossing but you'll need friend codes first. then when you enter a town and see other people you dont know and like you can add them right then and there too.
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cool, thats what i thought. thanks

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