Good news.


Teh Wii hax0r!
Nov 20, 2006
Wii Online Code
Anyways good news, I called CIRCUIT CITY, and they said this sunday they will be getting a shipment of Wii's. They will open at 10AM and they will be handing out vouchers for people waiting online for one. Can anyone tell me if being there at around 6:30AM sounds ok? And also, is $260 enough to cover tax and the system?
ZinGy said:
Anyways good news, I called CIRCUIT CITY, and they said this sunday they will be getting a shipment of Wii's. They will open at 10AM and they will be handing out vouchers for people waiting online for one. Can anyone tell me if being there at around 6:30AM sounds ok? And also, is $260 enough to cover tax and the system?

That would depend on the sales tax in new york. I would have to assume no.

Here sales tax is 7 cents on the dollar, meaning 7 dollars per 100 dollars. Meaning around 17 dollars tax.
its 6 in a half cents a dollar here. That was 18 dollars alone. New York definitly higher then 6 cents on a dollar. Maybe 10 more bucks.
I would recomend going 2-5 hrs before shop opening. I went to rogers video only an hour and a half before opening and was the 4th person in line but that was because not many people knew that rogers sold them. Also bring about 450$. you'll want games and an extra controller.
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elmo_999 said:
I would recomend going 2-5 hrs before shop opening. I went to rogers video only an hour and a half before opening and was the 4th person in line but that was because not many people knew that rogers sold them. Also bring about 450$. you'll want games and an extra controller.
I don't need an extra controller and I can't get a game now. I'm getting Zelda for christmas, so Wii Sports will have to hold out for a couple of days and I also have my gamecube AR MAX and memory card. I'll just play some classics before christmas too. Anyways I calculated the tax and it comes out to $270.63. I need to get $10 from my mommy :).
ZinGy said:
Anyways good news, I called CIRCUIT CITY, and they said this sunday they will be getting a shipment of Wii's. They will open at 10AM and they will be handing out vouchers for people waiting online for one. Can anyone tell me if being there at around 6:30AM sounds ok? And also, is $260 enough to cover tax and the system?

Nah, you'd need about 270-271 bucks.

EDIT: Just noticed you calculated it youself already, woops. ^.^;;
How odd that your prices are given net of tax! Here in the UK, all prices already include tax.

Anyway, I would have thought 6:30 would be enough. Most of the die hard fans will already have theirs by now. Good luck!

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