Good News and Bad News


Your buddy! Or not . . .
My weak heart broke when I heard that there is, in fact, no wii pricecut.
I do not know when, but the President of Nintendo Satoru Iwata announced that there will be no pricecut for the wii anytime soon in a recent conference.
Many rumors have stated there is, but those are only rumors.
The inconvenient truth is that the wii will stay at 250$.

Now for the good news, a recent talkshow on CNN reprted that the wii will have a new feature!!
I am not sure of the date, but the new feature is that you can send your friends video games.
How it works:
The wii user will purchase a game from the wii shop channel, then send it to a friend.
The friend will recieve an alert, and when accepted, the game will start to download.

Some more good news for China!
President of Nintendo also announced that the Nintendo Wii will start being shipped to China next year!!
Now people can get rid of there Chintendo Viis and get the real deal.
Price cuts not bad really, its still the Wii's first year in release and its around the holiday season, might as well rake in what you can :lol:

Also, sorry to be a downer..but that gift giving feature was old news.
Many have already sent their chums gifts.
yeah, this thread isnt really telling us anything we dont already know.

everybody knew the wii wont see a price cut this year, nintendo cant keep up with the demand, why would the increase demand by dropping the price? its just common sense.
CantGetAWii said:
Price cuts not bad really, its still the Wii's first year in release and its around the holiday season, might as well rake in what you can :lol:

Also, sorry to be a downer..but that gift giving feature was old news.
Many have already sent their chums gifts.

Oh, I thought that was old as well.. Well, it was new for me! Lol. Erm, yeah. Price cutting when people are still looking for Wiis'? Lol. I wouldn't do that! :p
Good News, Bad News.................................OLD NEWS
now that i think of it the wii is pretty expensive especially when you can get an xbox 360 arcade with a 512 mb memory card along with 5 arcade games for like 30 more dollars, and the 360 is a lot more powerful and has more potential IMO since nintendo doesn't seem too worried about their customers opinions.... headsets, harddrives, more channels and all that stuff...
No bad news for me! :yesnod: I already own a Wii so it doesn't really matter if they lowered the price.

No good news for me! :sick: I already have this function on my Wii and besides, why would I buy someone else's games? That's not in my nature, I hate other people.

I do have good news: I was joking, I love you all. :wink: (I won't be sending you games though, go buy your own point cards!)

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