Good games for 4 year old?


WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
Ok, so I picked up a Wii along with Smooth moves. Wife and I have been doing most of the playing so far though.

Can anybody recommend any good games that a 4 year old could handle?

Right now she is capable of handling bowling but that is about it.


Excite Truck wouldn't be bad. You could also try to get a licensed movie game like Cars or Happy Feet. I haven't played them myself, but any 4 year old would love them.

ExciteTruck might be best, then you could get some fun out of it too. If you want a review of that game, check out episode 3 of the show.
Super Mario Bros. was a lot of when I was four, but if she only likes things with 3D graphics get something like Elebits....if that's too complicated for her she should like Warioware if she hasn't played that yet.
The only problem with Excite Truck would be the race timer, even on 2 player mode. But the others like Cars and Happy Feet look like they would be pretty good.
My 3 1/2 year old plays Wario all the time. He has learned to navigate the menus to the point that he can do it all by himself. The best place to start IMO would be the "Temple of Form" (bottom left on your diamond city map) since you can basically choose any micro game you have already played. He started out doing the ones that were just motion, like shaking bugs off the banana and pumping up the balloon. Now he's gotten to the point where he can do some of the ones that require pointing + motion.
I dont have a Wii, so you cant really go by my judgement. But from what Ive seen, it looks like WarioWare would be one of the best (when I mean best, I mostly mean easiest) games for your four year old. With all the minigames and whatnot...Have you tried to get him/her to play this yet?
All I know if I was 4 and I was given something like Happy Feet I'd be pretty disappointed. Then again I just had really good taste, lol.
Cars or happy feet I go with or Monster 4x4 World Circuit not sure where ya are or where this offer extends to but over in the UK we get a free steering wheel with it, sure the little one would like that.

Or there's Ice Age 2: The Meltdown.

Chicken Little coming soon

Barnyard, open season

SpongeBob SquarePants:

Super Fruitfall

Hope this helps :thumbsup:
I posted a similiar msg for 4 and 7 year old...thx to all
1) Try renting at Blockbuster - good way to try before you buy
2) Spongebob was a big hit - not terribly hard and pretty forgiving. It amazes what they can figuire out!
3) Marioware is next on my list - seems like it would be fun for young and old.

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