GoldenEye will stop campers


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Come on we have all done it at least once.

I am talking about camping
Wii shooter GoldenEye 007 will tackle pesky campers with a clever new mode that blows up players who stand still for too long.

The game includes an anti-camping modifier called Move Your Feet, according to Bitmob.

With Move Your Feet enabled, players who stand still for three seconds will automatically explode.

"It worked beautifully in practice, morphing the map into a hectic affair that zeroed out any chance of a foe settling in to camp," reports the site.

GoldenEye 007, created by UK studio Eurocom and published by Activision Blizzard, is a re-imagining of the classic N64 shooter.

Earlier this month Martin Hollis, he who made the original, said he'd be surprised if anyone at the publisher was bothered about doing the original game "justice".

GoldenEye 007 will be released on Wii this November. Christian Donlan went hands-on for Eurogamer.

Check the link for a video
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True snipers need not the scope
In Dues EX (one of the best FPS games ever) you can snipe and get a head shot with out even using the scope.
Ok I admit my char on that is a rife master
The features of this game seem more and more impressive as time goes on.

The dual control schemes, this anti-camper mode and the confirmed 007 classic mode (N64 style heath and armour) pretty much make this game an instant buy for me now.
Thats cool to know. I'm still considering of buying the game though. I would buy it but the only thing thats holding me back is the possibility of "perks" (Was in QOS and Activision loves to repeat itself) which shouldn't be too bad as long as its balanced.

i'm getting this gaime, if for nothing else, the multplayer
finally! someone brings the 4 player split screen back to nintendo!
looking forward to this one!

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