golden hammer use


Master Brawler
Mar 2, 2008
Wii Online Code
here i plan to create a list of which challenge windows cannot be broken by a golden hammer in super smash bros. brawl, but as of rite now, i dont know of any as i havent even tried to use ne of mine so far. so if ne one finds out of one that cant be broken, leave a post telling me the letter of the row (A, B, C, or D) and the number of the column (from 1-32) (so for example the top left window would be A1) and ill update this thread with the list.

So far, here's the list:

B12: Icicle Mountain (Melee) CD - Clear Classic on Normal difficulty.
C17: Ancient Minister Trophy - Clear The Subspace Emissary.
C31: Party Ball Trophy - Score 500 total combined KOs in brawls.
D20: Timer Trophy - Play 30 hours of brawls.
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