God I Want To Make My Game So Bad D<

Vedelkin10 said:
A:SKLDFJASLKEJFSLKDGJSKLFGJSDLKFJSDKLFNJ "AE[sijfa/lerkv'apoerkgjf 'ao;erskgj';sldrjgk'sl;dfkjg

You guy's have no frigg'in idea how bad i want to make these certain video games.. And mainly i mainly have 2 games ONE for Wii.. And you can bet that since my struggle to not be able to make videogames my thoughts and immagination have been growing LIKE FLYS ON A COW DAMNIT... I'm only 16.. and it's making me want to rip off a babies head.. All im going to say is that for my Wii game is that it will be a very addicting game.. And it in definetaly WILL have a large amount of ONLINE CAPABILITY.. Every friggin minute.. IT DRIVES ME NUTS ao'fksaefgjsdfgjasd'fg.. And for my second game idea it's going to have a unthinkable combo system i'm still not sure on what platform to put it on.. But to get the main point of my second game.. is that it will most likley be something you will never EVER forget.. but i know I sound VERY arrogent.. and your prob' thinking.. Why the hell doesnt he have any proof or anything to show?.. I am SUPER paranoia about giving these certain ideas out for these 2 special games.. hell im a C- student and i really don't see my future going anywhere else but videogames.. All i need you guys to do is to remember this name...


OH and one more thing..

Everygame i make will always have a customisable character.. of your own...

And one day you will see it on your TV screen wondering omg was that him..
I really hate being arrogent.. but i just gotta get this urge out and it's killing my brain.. I HATE BEING 16 I WANT TO GET A DAMN INTERNSHIP AND START DESIGNING IT FUG FUG FUG FUG x=x...

Just be sure to remember that name.. that's all im asking x-x

OH and one more thing..

Everygame i make will always have a customisable character.. of your own...


This just a video of me >_> showing a LITTLE bit of my creativity style.. Just ignore the takyness of some of my words lol

The two mouth guy reminds me of Zaphod from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Oh and about the videogame and drawings:
Good, but not all that creative. Anyone can slap a few extra body parts on a guy, give him a backstory and call it interesting. Unfortunately, it isn't. If this were a game, I'm not buying.
do it.........you have nothing to loose,..................except for thousands of dollars
Kind of weird thread, but I'll remember your name if you become famous. (Probably)

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