Give Me Reason


WiiChat Member
Sep 6, 2006
As I'm sure all have you have heard right now, the playstation three has been delayed four months in europe. I just can't wait that long, I feel let down by sony but that is neither here nor there.

I am now looking at the other options, those being Wii and 360. I think I am going to get Wii for the simple fact that I'm going to get a DS and I like the whole complete gaming feeling I get. Forgive me this is partial lazyness on my part but I'd like you to give me reasons as to why I should get a Wii over a 360, right about now I am nothing more than curious about the controller.

I also have a few concerns:

when I come in from a hard days work and I want to relax and play games I don't want to have to wave, shake my hand all over the place just to play a game, not disputing that it's not a great idea but it seems as though alott of the games will require some form of movement from me. Can someone tell me if this is the case and if so explain why there I will be able to enjoy playing games without my wrist aching lol

I am also concerned that the control is nothing more than a novelty, can I be sure that developers will consistantly be bringing in new ideas to keep it intresting?

Diversity, this for me has been nintendo's biggest problem since the n64, they are good no great at what the do but there is no real sense of diversity in there games. Name a good racing simulater (i.e. Gran Turismo, Project Gotham), I think nintendo need more third part support this generation, it needs more diversity.

I feel in the last generation, gamecube got left behind, it got to the point where I'm not even sure if gamecube games where on the shelf in average stores. How do I know Wii won't just fritter away like the gamecube did, maybe GC didn't do as bad I thought, in terms of sales can anyone roughly tell me how good/bad it did.

Is the link between DS and Wii going to be better thand GC and GBA (because I didn't feel this was utilized to it's full potential at all)... Considering how well DS is selling I would hope that the potential was fully fulfulled.

Graphics...while nintendo fans all say what would you rather have good game or good graphics, I think this is partially niave, the two go hand in hand, one contributes to the other... Granted gameplay is more important but I just get the feeling that nintendo fans undermine the importance of graphics, to me it's graphics that can truly create an awesome atmosphere e.g. Final Fantasy VII the first cut scene with the train riding round into the city (for those who have played the game know what I am talking about). Exactly how far behind is the Wii to the ps3 and 360, I didn't feel that the GC was that far behind ps2, infact I'm not even sure if it was behind at all...

Reasonable feedback, answers to my questions would be appreciated, also I don't mind how technical you want to get with specs and what not I am pretty well tuned.
Dont waste your money on a 360 or ps3. Wii is cheapest and is the only "real next gen console" in my opinion cause ps3 and 360 are just upgrades on processors and graphics cards from their previous versions.
Well I must admit the 360 does have better graphics than the Wii would have but as you said gameplay is more important. IMO i'm happy with the graphics as they are now (I didnt like the GC graphics) and I feel that they dont need to get anymore better.
With the third party you are right again by Nintendo havibng to get more third party developers. But its the original games I look for (by taht I mean original) like a Mario Game(Galaxy), SSBB, and the rest of the Mario collection games.
And the bit about you wanting to rest into of getting a sore wrist well I dont think that would be much concern as you might get a sore wrist maybe in 2 hours or so but you shouldnt be on the console for more than that.

So overall as Im getting a Wii i'd say get the Wii!
I'd say the best way to go is like me, for top end graphics, FPS, racing games have a PC with reasonably priced high end components, update once a year or every second year.
If you have a LCD tv you can also build a HTPC with all the goodies and power enough to run games at 1360x768 (got that too :D )

Then I just must have all the cool stuff available on the market but I will never be paying full launch prices for something like a Xbox or PS, (got neither)
Nintendo's consoles are cheap and fantastic entertainment for single play and even more fun to play local multiplayer, Mario Kart, Mortal kombat, Track and Field2 these are games that have really long term value so you can invite some friends over to drink beer and retro it up with your old NES or newer nintendos.

I bought the PSP for 300€ just because I wanted to play good quality 3D games on a handheld but that was a bit of a dissapontment since they look ok but loading times from the disc are a real pain.
I got the DS a week before launch day in Finland and this machine is something I can pick up, play some mario kart, new super mario or anything else for a hour or so and then put it down and still be interested in playing again day after day, PSP has been lying next to my bed untouched for many months now cause the games just arent that catchy, and starting up the PSP takes as long as booting my computer.

So I'd say get the DS, the Wii and a decent computer for all the fun in the world, what sony and M$ is trying to do is make the gaming computer obsolite with their fancy graphics but this will never happen, practically both consoles are crippled PC:s that they try to sell with their Halo exclusives and bull like that, if they need to depend on high end PC components why not make the consoles upgradable so you don't need to buy a new one for 500-700$ every second year.

Nintendo has the real magic that makes console gaming fun, and so did the Dreamcast with the fishing rod and lightguns (too bad they killed it)
while keeping the price at reasonable levels.

Get the Wii, you wont regret it.
Icetrash said:
Well I must admit the 360 does have better graphics than the Wii would have but as you said gameplay is more important. IMO i'm happy with the graphics as they are now (I didnt like the GC graphics) and I feel that they dont need to get anymore better.
With the third party you are right again by Nintendo havibng to get more third party developers. But its the original games I look for (by taht I mean original) like a Mario Game(Galaxy), SSBB, and the rest of the Mario collection games.
And the bit about you wanting to rest into of getting a sore wrist well I dont think that would be much concern as you might get a sore wrist maybe in 2 hours or so but you shouldnt be on the console for more than that.

So overall as Im getting a Wii i'd say get the Wii!

Wat was wrong with gamecube graphics? I beleive they were perfectly fine.
the way you play is mostly up to you! the most you HAVE to do is move your wrist, but you can also do more dramatic things, its your choosing!
Personally I'd recommend getting a Wii mainly for its new innovations such as the Wiimote and Wii Connect 24, which could change the way video games are made forever. Already the line-up is packed full of some very interesting games. There's the added bonus of the Virtual Console, which should be home to some old classics. As for having to wave your hands about a lot, I wouldn't worry too much- most gameplay footage I've seen so far requires little arm movement.

By the way, if money isn't an issue, I would say get an Xbox 360 as well.
Your hands will not get tired, yuo will not even notice the fact that your waving the controoler. Your mind will be focused on the games...
The games I play today get my fingers and hands tired... lol
I play my brothers ps2 with him, their is only one game I play on it. Pride fighting championships. That game you got constantly tap buttons to get out of submissions! It is fun but tiring... Also on my GameCube I play ultiamate Muscle. One of the funnest games eveR! This game can be tiring on your fingers... I must make it clear I hate sony just about, Ps2 was a mediocre system to me, Gamecube was much better than ps2. Xbox was the worst to me. Gamecube did need more third party titles, but there is and was plenty of fun games for it. It was the best console... Dreamcast was better than ps2 to me but sadly it did not do to well...
But yeah don't worry about your hands gettign tired, they won't nintendo would never release something that you could not play...
Dossage said:
As I'm sure all have you have heard right now, the playstation three has been delayed four months in europe. I just can't wait that long, I feel let down by sony but that is neither here nor there.

I am now looking at the other options, those being Wii and 360. I think I am going to get Wii for the simple fact that I'm going to get a DS and I like the whole complete gaming feeling I get. Forgive me this is partial lazyness on my part but I'd like you to give me reasons as to why I should get a Wii over a 360, right about now I am nothing more than curious about the controller.

I also have a few concerns:

when I come in from a hard days work and I want to relax and play games I don't want to have to wave, shake my hand all over the place just to play a game, not disputing that it's not a great idea but it seems as though alott of the games will require some form of movement from me. Can someone tell me if this is the case and if so explain why there I will be able to enjoy playing games without my wrist aching lol

I am also concerned that the control is nothing more than a novelty, can I be sure that developers will consistantly be bringing in new ideas to keep it intresting?

Diversity, this for me has been nintendo's biggest problem since the n64, they are good no great at what the do but there is no real sense of diversity in there games. Name a good racing simulater (i.e. Gran Turismo, Project Gotham), I think nintendo need more third part support this generation, it needs more diversity.

I feel in the last generation, gamecube got left behind, it got to the point where I'm not even sure if gamecube games where on the shelf in average stores. How do I know Wii won't just fritter away like the gamecube did, maybe GC didn't do as bad I thought, in terms of sales can anyone roughly tell me how good/bad it did.

Is the link between DS and Wii going to be better thand GC and GBA (because I didn't feel this was utilized to it's full potential at all)... Considering how well DS is selling I would hope that the potential was fully fulfulled.

Graphics...while nintendo fans all say what would you rather have good game or good graphics, I think this is partially niave, the two go hand in hand, one contributes to the other... Granted gameplay is more important but I just get the feeling that nintendo fans undermine the importance of graphics, to me it's graphics that can truly create an awesome atmosphere e.g. Final Fantasy VII the first cut scene with the train riding round into the city (for those who have played the game know what I am talking about). Exactly how far behind is the Wii to the ps3 and 360, I didn't feel that the GC was that far behind ps2, infact I'm not even sure if it was behind at all...

Reasonable feedback, answers to my questions would be appreciated, also I don't mind how technical you want to get with specs and what not I am pretty well tuned.

Well, if we are to look at originality, then go for the Wii. The 360, though a good console, is really just a shinier Xbox with better graphics. Same old thing really. The PS3... well, originality isn't in their vocabulary, as any new idea that Nintendo have come up with, they have copied. I wonder, how many people will have lost interest by the time the PS7 comes out...

Graphics, I will admit, are important - but if you look at the Gamecube's graphics, which are still pretty awesome - the Nintendo Wii's graphics are twice as good as that. Go to and type in Metroid Prime 3, or Super Mario Galaxy, or Red Steel. You will see that the graphics do not disappoint.

Let's look at games - what does the 360 have, in reality? Besides Halo, which is exclusive to it, there really isn't much reason to fork out such a large amount of money for a console with limited selection. Playstation 3, I won't deny, WILL have some good games - but the vast majority will just be sequels. The Wii is trying new things, which is something other companies seem to afraid to do. The Wii is taking a risk, and judging by the fantastic feedback the console has got so far, this risk is paying off. With the Wii, Nintendo is doing all they can to make you feel like you are a PART of the game, not merely playing it. You can interact in ways you've never been able to before.

But it all comes down to games - and from what I've seen so far, the Wii will have a vast selection of games to suit EVERYBODY, and not just the loyal few.

Without meaning to be biased, as I am a Nintendo fan myself - go for the Wii. It's the cheapest, the most original, the most intuitive, and most importantly the most fun. Wii is about gaming for everybody, INCLUDING hardcore gamers - 360 is about gaming JUST for hardcore gamers.
m7ticalm said:
Wat was wrong with gamecube graphics? I beleive they were perfectly fine.

I was impressed, and from what I've seen from the Wii, the graphics don't need to be improved, they've pretty much reached perfection in my opinion.
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m7ticalm said:
Dont waste your money on a 360 or ps3. Wii is cheapest and is the only "real next gen console" in my opinion cause ps3 and 360 are just upgrades on processors and graphics cards from their previous versions.
sounds too desperate. even tho i agree.

he should get the wii for sure because its completly different from the others, but buying another console wouldnt be bad.
My opinion is, that Sony, Xbox and Nintendo (I'm being polite, naming myself at last :p) have different strategies. They all want to make the game feel so reality-like at all possible. Sony and Xbox chooses to make the graphic at life-stage, when Nintendo makes the GAMEPLAY at life-stage. Sony and Xbox's idea could have worked ten years ago, but now, when all graphic is that great anyway, they do a fatal mistake. Nintendo concentrates on gameplay, which in the last end is the right thing to do (as all on this forum knows, haha). It will by VERY interesting to see the NEXT consoles (If Sony's Playstation and Microsoft's Xbox survives our beloved Wii).

My opinion!

well first off.....i think ur leaning more to the 360 cause u seemed alot like u were complaining in that in my opinion u dont need any motivation from anyone to get what ever you want...and you wasted ur time with this thread....i mean do you really expect anyone to say get a 360 on a Wii discussion people like you shouldnt even make an account if your going to post stupid things like this.....i rest my case

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