Ghost Squad


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2007
Just thought I oughta say this,I just remembered today,so...I was checking a gameinformer out and saw a game called ghost squad for the Wii.It's an on-rails shooter,over 25 different types of guns,up to 4 players using wi-fi,and pretty much looks like a good game.Has anyone ever played the original and if not,who else saw this game and well...opinions anybody?
I've played it in the arcade and its pretty good, there are multiple paths, and sometimes little objectives (like cut the right wire for bomb defusal, or reaction knife fights) There is alot more though because there is all the additional weapons and stuff in the wii version as well as not having to put in money when you die.
wifi sounds cool, obviously wifi cant be on rails can it? So a wifi shooter is all good. But on rails games are crap to me really, and the graphics are horrific.
Meh, the game doesn't look to bad.
I will be sure to rent it, see how it is.
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Anyone have any idea when it comes out?

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