Getting the Wii...


President of NO MA'AM
Sep 25, 2006
Central Coast, CA, USA
Wii Online Code
How do you all plan to get your systems? Pre ordering or camping out or what?

There are going to be WAY more units available at launch then the other systems so that is great.

I still wonder how difficult it will be to get when it comes out.

I will probably end up taking a chance and lining up outside of Walmart or Bestbuy at around 6 in the morning. Thats how I got my Xbox1 and later Halo2.
Scream said:
How do you all plan to get your systems? Pre ordering or camping out or what?

There are going to be WAY more units available at launch then the other systems so that is great.

I still wonder how difficult it will be to get when it comes out.

I will probably end up taking a chance and lining up outside of Walmart or Bestbuy at around 6 in the morning. Thats how I got my Xbox1 and later Halo2.
thats probably what im gonna do but only if there are other people their
There's another thread or two on this already, but anyways

I'll be camping. I never know if my area is going to explode with crowds of Wii Wanters
If i lived in Stockholm ( Swedens capital city ) id easily camp outside Webhallen but i'm gonna pre-order since .. i dont :p
My gamestop better be open at 12! Camping out sorta. Not like tents, but waiting there for a long time.
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If you pre-order it though, wont you have to wait longer in the mail? Or do they ship it a few days before launch so you get it launch day?
if you do camp then just go 10 minutes before 12 with a hokey mask on and a chainsaw
i garenty (i know its spelt wrong) you will get it first with only waiting 10 minutes
will7303 said:
if you do camp then just go 10 minutes before 12 with a hokey mask on and a chainsaw
i garenty (i know its spelt wrong) you will get it first with only waiting 10 minutes
My My You've got an imagination lol i like the way you think acting like Jason in friday the to bad Wii dosn't come out this 13th of october lol

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