GE World Cup Benelux


Mushroom Kingdom
Oct 29, 2011
Wii Online Code
Hello everybody.
I don't know if any of you know this but at the moment there is a thought to organize (for fun) a GE World Cup.
In it representatives of their respective countries will face off against each other.

Benelux, at he moment has about 5 members willing to participate (Me, and members of the OZ clan)
Maybe 6 if Trenchee is willing to join up as well.
We need 8 to be able to go/be allowed to enter.
So if there is anybody on this board from the Benelux and willing to join,
Don' t hesitate. (and PM me)
Is there a team for 'Murica?

Yes there is, Team Wild West. Although I don't think anybody from this board is in it. Strangely the west coast seems to have fewer players. FYI the US has been split into regions :)

PM me if you want any further information.

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