Gaurantee that Earthbound will come


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
Earthbound for snes will arrive to VC between now and the date of Smash bros brawl BEACUSE:

nintendo must introduce him, his stages and anyone else that may be in brawl to the "new gamers" that nintendo preaches about attracting. nintendo knows hardcore ppl will buy brawl, but those who dont know brawl "the new gamers" need to get familar.

which is why mario is all over wii, zelda, donkey kong, f-zero, ice climbers, kid icarus, star fox64. pokemon is introduce through battle revolution, so where does ness come in....theres no wii title, so he must be in VC.

if earthbound dosent come like i predict, ill will gladly takes negs and falmes haha, quote that.
goo dthinking never played earthbound, might try it
im playing earthbound on my DS right now, so no biggy for me
When I played Earthbound on my NES when I was a young kid, I didn't find it too interesting, but that was a long time ago and the game is gone so I might download it off VC and give it another chance because that's what I do.
The VC is RPG starved. I'm just about ready to download any SNES RPG Nintendo puts up. Another great RPG to get is Breath of Fire 2. It's already out on Japan VC. Hopefully we'll start seeing RPGs soon.

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