games you have cleared


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2012
somewhere , you dont wanna know where, right?
Wii Online Code
here you can put how many , games you have cleared and which games ( can be out of order )

my list:

zelda ocarina of time
zelda majoras mask
zelda twilight princess
zelda phantom hourglass
zelda minish cap
zelda a link to the past
zelda skyward sword
super mario world
super mario bros
super mario 64
super mario sunshine
super mario galaxy 2 (yeah, not the first )
mario kart 64
mario kart ds
mario kart super circuit
mario kart wii
mario kart 3ds
luigi mansion
paper mario
mario party 1
mario party 2
mario party 9
mario tennis
mario tennis power tour
mario sports mix
phantasy star online episode 3 c.a.r.d. revolution
pac-man world 2
super smash bros
super smash bros melee
super smash bros brawl
warioware inc mpg
warioware touched
warioware d.i.y
warioware twisted
pokemon stadium 1
pokemon stadium 2
pokemon blue
pokemon crystal
pokemon ruby and shappire
pokemon pearl
pokemon platinum
pokemon white
pokemon dash
final fantasy mystic quest
final fantasy 3 ds
final fantasy fables chocobo tales
final fantasy 12 revenant wings
final fantasy the 4 heroes of light
golden sun 1
golden sun 2
golden sun dark dawn
Call fo duty modern warfare 3
valkyrie profile covenant of the plume
shin megami tensei devil survivor
shin megami tensei devil survivor 2
ghost trick phantom detective
inazuma eleven
inazuma eleven 2 firestorm
luminous arc
luminous arc 2
007 goldeneye
mario and luigi super star saga
mario and luigi partners in time
mario hoops 3 on 3
mario party ds
metroid prime hunters
advance wars dual strike
advance wars days of ruins
THe world ends with you
dragonball z ultimate batouden
digimon world championship
mario vs donkey kong mini land mayhem
star fox ds
mario and sonic at olympic winter games ds
dragon quest ix sentinels of the starry skies
suikoden tiekreiss
summon night twin age
ace attorney investigations miles edgeworth
phoenix wright ace attorney
gta chinatown wars
fossil fighters
fossil fighters : champions
rune factory 3
super mario rpg the legend of the seven stars
bleach the 3rd phamtom
bleach dark souls
fire emblem shadow dragon
pokemon rumble
blue dragon plus
blue dragon awakened shadow
dragon quest monsters joker
dragon quest monsters joker 2

thats it.

Seriously 30 years gaming
Aint going to post fighting games as that list is massive
Same with gun games

Off the top of my head

Zelda ocarina of time
Zelda twilight princess
Zelda phantom hourglass
Zelda a link to the past
Zelda skyward sword
Mario kart 64
Super smash bros
Super smash bros melee
Pokemon blue
Pokemon silver
Pokemon red
Mario and Luigi super star saga
Phoenix wright ace attorney
Phantasy Star 2
Phantasy Star 4
Phantasy Star Online 1,2 blue burst
Game boy camera (It has a ending)
Devil may cry
Devil may cry 2
Devil may cry 3
Panzer Dragoon zewi (100%)
Panzer Dragoon saga
Sonic (all emeralds)
Sonic 2 (ditto)
Sonic 3 (ditto)
Sonic and Knuckles (ditto)
Sonic 2 with Knuckles (ditto)
Sonic CD (good ending)
Sonic (MS) (all emeralds)
Sonic 2 (MS) (Diito)
Sonic choas (Ditto)
Sonic triple trouble (Ditto)
Sonic adventure
Nights (good endings)
Xmas Nights (good endings)
Sonic into dreams (ok its not hard)
Shining force
Shining force 2
Shining force 3 (part 1)
Shining force CD
Shining Wisdom
Shining Holy ark
Battletoads (yes I am awesome)
Battletoads arcade
Deep fear
Resident evil
Resident evil DS
Resident evil 2
Resident evil 3
Resident evil 4
Streets of rage (good and bad endings)
Streets of rage 2
Streets of rage 3 (all endings)
Streets of rage (GG)
Streets of rage 2 (GG)
Final fight
Final fight 3
Golden axe
Golden axe 2
Ultimate DOOM
Guardian Heroes (all endings)
Gunstar heroes
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Alex Kidd in miracle world (NOT EASY!)
Burning rangers
Psycho fox
Disgaea DS
Disgaea Etna mode
Disgaea 2
Disgaea 2 other mode
Makai kingdom
Phantom brave
Outrun (all routes)
Outrun 2 (all routes)
Outrun 2006sp (ditto)
Duke nukem
Duke nukem 3D
Duke nukem Forever
Duke nukem 64
Deus EX
Deus EX PS2
Deus EX invisable war
Deus EX HR
Breath of fire
Breath of fire 2
Star flight
Tenchu 2
Tenchu WOH
Tenchu fatal shadows
Tenchu Z
Comix zone
Strider 2 (capcom)
Geoman 64
Geoman 64 2
Katamari darmacy
We love katamari
Katarmai 360
Child of Eden

Urgh my hands are tired
I should just get a piccy of them
too many


**** dude, I don't know. A lot.

Dear sweet semen of baby jesus where to begin.

Well with my first game, which is also the first game I ever beat, Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Then a ****ing lot.

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