Gamecube recommendations


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2006
Lancaster, PA, USA
I know I asked this somewhere, I hope it wasn't on this forum, if it was sorry for the repeat post!

I have never owned a Gamecube and I'd like to know what you guys (and gals) would say your favorite games were.

Thanks in advance!
This actually belongs in the Gamecube discussion forum, and don't make duplicate threads, as it does take members some time to respond to your questions. Now, if you want a Multiplayer game, I suggest Super Smash Bros. Melee, but if you want a collection of games try out Sonic Mega Gems collection or even the Megaman Anniversery Collection.
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I totally didn't see those down there...I wouldn't have guessed from the name of the site it would contain anything but Wii stuff...

I did check my threads first to make sure I didn't re-post, but I had some major deja-vu while writing the title! That's why I made the disclaimer.

So, is there anyway to delete a thread?

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